
Hopewell House reopened thanks to the giving of donors across the community. Donations now support today’s residents and staff excellence, make Hopewell House accessible to all, and ensure future services.

Why Give

Ways to Give

“We make a living by what we get, but make a life by what we give.”

– Winston Churchill

Ways to Give

There are many ways to support today’s residents and staff excellence, make Hopewell House accessible to all, and ensure future services.

We are here to help you craft your gift. Call us or use our easy contact form (see below).

Tax Information

Friends of Hopewell House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID 84-3380179. Contributions are tax-deductible to fullest extent allowed by law.

Gifts of all sizes are needed and appreciated. And many types of gifts can be tax-wise ways of minimizing capital gains or other taxes. Consult your financial advisor about your situation.

Have you included Hopewell House as a beneficiary of your estate? If so, thank you and please use the above notice to let us know.

Print the above form for a gift pledge you’d like to mail.

Gold Transparency 2022 Label

Mail A Check

Make it out to Friends of Hopewell House and send it to Friends of Hopewell House, 6171 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97239

Credit/Debit Card or Bank Transfer

It’s convenient and secure to give online

Monthly Giving

The continuing support of donors who make monthly, quarterly, or annual gifts provides a strong base for Hopewell House to thrive. Just set up your preferences on the secure online portal. Or give us a call and we can help you over the phone.

Donor Advised Fund

If you have established a Donor Advised Fund, you can recommend to that fund’s financial holder a grant to support Hopewell House. We ask that you please let us know if you’ve done this to ensure we know a gift is coming because of your request.

Give from your IRA

Instruct your IRA trustee to send a check or write a check directly from your IRA account to Friends of Hopewell House, IRS Tax ID: 84-3380179, 6171 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97239.

Stock/Appreciated Securities

If you’ve held publicly-traded stocks and bonds, you may incur capital gains tax if you sell those assets. Consider donating them directly to Hopewell House instead. Consult your financial advisor about what is best for your situation. Call us for transfer details.

Legacy Gifts Anyone Can Make

Donating through your will or trust – of any dollar amount or percentage – is very welcome.

Language to include in your will or trust:

I give to Friends of Hopewell House, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located at 6171 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97239, Tax ID 84-3380179, ________ [a dollar amount or percentage of the estate or property to be donated] for unrestricted use.

You can also make Friends of Hopewell House a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified plan, life insurance policy, annuity or donor advised fund.

Ask your financial advisor for guidance about your situation and contact us for help.

Honor/Memorial Gifts

Many donors find satisfaction in making contributions to honor loved ones or members of the Hopewell House team who may have been of support. You can make these gifts online or contact us for help.

In lieu of . . .

From time to time, a family will ask that – in lieu of flowers or otherwise – a donation be made in memory of their loved one to help future residents and families and/or to thank our dedicated staff and volunteers.

If you’d like, here is language you could use: In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to Friends of Hopewell House in memory of _________, at or by mail to 6171 Southwest Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97239.

Employer Matches

Remember that many employers will match your donation, doubling your impact. Ask your employer for more information.

Create a Fund

Funds for specific purposes and for the long term may be established for resident financial support and other priorities. Creating a fund involves a gift of $100,000 or more, which can be made immediately or over two to five years.  Contact us to discuss your ideas and goals. We’d be pleased to work with you.

Note: we cannot receive drop-in donations of physical items without making prior arrangements, as we are an operating residential care facility.

Residents at Hopewell House are required to be enrolled in hospice services, which provide consumable medical supplies and DME for each individual. If you are interested in donating an item or supplies to Hopewell House, please contact us at with photos and description, and we will respond promptly. Thank you for your understanding.


Hopewell House cannot receive, regardless of arrangement:

  • any consumable supplies that have been opened

  • disposable briefs that are pull-up style

  • items that are worn, stained, or unwashed

Connect with Hopewell House

What's On Your Mind?

7 + 4 =

Call: (503) 894-7560

Hopewell House

6171 Southwest Capitol Highway
Portland, OR 97239

Fax: (503) 244-1977


Administrator and Executive Director  – Ext. 4

Admissions – Ext. 2

Resident Wing – Ext. 3

Hopewell House Nurses – Ext. 5

Giving to Hopewell House – Ext. 7

Office – Ext. 7

Volunteer Matters – Ext. 6